Kamis, 09 September 2010


Idiom dapat didefinisikan sebagai kata-kata yang jika dipadupadankan bersama akan memiliki arti yang berbeda dengan arti jika ia berdiri sendiri
Idioms tak dapat ditemukan dalam kamus!!
Di bawah ini ada beberapa idiom yang menggunakan kata "cat"kucing ya? 
The first one is let the cat out of the bag. We use this idiom if we want to say that someone has revealed a secret. Perhaps they have told someone about something that was a secret. Here's Idioms expert with an example for you today.
My sister didn’t know about my problems with the police. That was a secret. However my husband told her all about those problems. I was so angry. My sister let the cat out of the bag. She told him everything!
Now for the next idiom. We use this one when someone will not answer a simple question OR maybe when someone is silent when the have been asked a question about a problem. We say has the cat got your tongue?
Last night I noticed that some money was missing from my bag. I asked my 8 year old son about it. Maybe he knew something but he just looked at me and said nothing. I asked him again. He was still silent and he just looked at me. I said to him, ‘What’s the problem? Has the cat got your tongue?’
let the cat out of the bag - membocorkan rahasia has the cat got your tongue - kenapa tidak mau bicara atau menjawab  from Kangguru Magazine  www.kangguru.org 

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